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Singlewell Primary School

Year 3 Dolphins

End of Term 5

As we come to the end of Term 5, it hardly seems possible that after the week’s holiday it will be the final term of Year 3 for Dolphins Class. We are beginning to look forward to all the fun activities of the summer term, including Sports Day! In PE lessons with our specialist Sports Coach we have been practising athletics skills to get ready for Sports Day.

We have continued to learn to play the ocarina with Mrs White, and are able to play some songs beautifully now, including London Bridge, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and One Man Went to Mow. In English, Geography and Art we have been continuing our study of Antarctica. We have finished reading ‘Ice Trap!’ in English and have thought about what we would take with us to the Antarctic if we were chosen to go there on an expedition. In Art, we have made pictures based on icebergs. In DT, we used our creative skills to do some junk modelling, which was a lot of fun.

In Maths, we have begun to think about mass and capacity and had lots of fun measuring water using different vessels. In Science, we have been learning about plants, and are growing cress in different conditions, to see how light, water and warmth affect how plants grow.

Now the weather is (hopefully) getting a bit sunnier, please do ensure your children are adequately prepared, with sunscreen applied at home if you choose to, and caps / hats and water bottles sent in. In the summer, jumpers and jackets are often taken off on the playground or field, so please could we ask you to ensure that everything is labelled (even initials in Sharpie on the label) to help us reunite the jumpers with their owners. Thank you for your support on this.

It has been a busy and fun few weeks in Year 3 Dolphins, and we are looking forward to a brilliant Term 6. As ever, thank you for everything!

Dolphins May Update!

It has been a great start to Term 5, and we are so pleased with how hard all of Dolphins Class are working. It is hard to believe that we are only in the third week of term: what a lot we have done already.

We loved our visit to The Fenn Bell Conservation Centre last week. It was fantastic to see so many animals and learn about them. We watched otters and meerkats being fed and we spoke to a zookeeper about lemurs. Everyone on the trip was so happy and sensible: we had a brilliant day. Thank goodness it didn’t rain! Thank you for all your support. In class we have done some research and writing about the animals we saw, as well as creating factfiles and posters.

In Maths, we have been working hard on identifying equivalent fractions as well as learning about denominators and numerators. In Science, we have been learning about plants, and in Geography we have begun learning all about the Antarctic. In PE, we have been doing Athletics with our specialist sports coach. We have been enjoying our lessons this term.

It has been Careers Week in school and we have thought about all of the things we could do in the future. We have also met lots of exciting visitors, including an airline Cabin Crew member, a Swimming Teacher and Zookeepers. We had an amazing Careers Fair where we met a hairdresser, a nurse, business owners, a doctor’s surgery manager and managers of a construction company. There were so many exciting jobs we learnt about. Thank you to everyone who came in to speak to us.

We are looking forward to the next three weeks. Thank you as always for all your support.

Mrs Reid

Happy Easter from Dolphins!

Dolphins have had a great couple of weeks. In English we have been thinking about persuasion: we created a new broomstick for ‘The Worst Witch’ main character Mildred Hubble. We made our broomsticks from plasticine then we created persuasive adverts to try to sell them.

In Maths the children have been learning about fractions and in Science we have been finishing our work on Rocks and Soils. PE outside playing tennis has been a lot of fun and the weather has finally stayed dry for us.

In History we finished our Egyptian masks, and enjoyed painting them. We were lucky that we had fine weather so that we could put them on the fence to dry! The caused quite a stir as the younger children walked past them on their way to lunch. The masks were greatly admired by all!

For Comic Relief the children took part in an inter-house sports competition, which was a lot of fun. We will heard the winning team in assembly this week.

It was great to see so many of you at the Parents’ Evenings. Thank you for your time on those evenings and also for everything you do to support the school. Have a really lovely holiday and enjoy your break.

Dolphins March Update!

Thank you for all your support this term! We were so pleased to see so many parents and carers at our Year 3 assembly. The children were so excited to show you everything they have been doing this term. Didn’t they do an amazing job!? It was also great to see so many of you attended our Book Sharing morning: I know the class were really proud to show you their books. They have worked so hard this year.

In History, children have been learning about Ancient Egypt. They made some fantastic Egyptian mummies using ‘mod roc’. Their next task has been beginning to create Egyptian masks using papier mache.

In English, we have been reading The Worst Witch and have been enjoying writing setting descriptions and instructions.

In Maths, we have been measuring in metres, centimetres and millimetres and are going on to look at perimeter of shapes next. Our PE lessons this term are learning tennis: so far we have been unlucky with the weather and have had to play inside, but we are hoping to get onto the playground for some mini matches if we get some blue sky! In Computing this term we are practising our typing skills on Purple Mash.

It has been such a fun term so far with both World Book Day, our amazing author visit and Science Week.

Well done, Dolphins!

Mrs Reid

Dolphins February Update!

We have had a fun few weeks in Dolphins Class. In English we have continued reading ‘The Great Kapok Tree’ and have written some amazing poetry and persuasive letters.

Our Maths lessons have focused on short multiplication and division. In Science we have learned about skeletons and muscles and have had fun creating pictures of skeletons using cotton buds. In PE we have continued learning gymnastics with our specialist sports coach, learning skills such as balances, jumps and rolls.

We have had interesting activities this term too: our storytelling week was a lot of fun and we enjoyed reading with our Year 1 buddies. We loved having some parents in to read to us. Thank you to all the parents who have come in to visit us: we really appreciate it!

In Languages Week we watched a fantastic French theatre production and we learned all about fairy tales in French. We enjoyed moving to different classrooms to learn about different languages too.

You have worked really hard this term, Dolphins! Have a lovely holiday and let’s look forward to a fantastic Term 4 together!

Mrs Reid

Dolphins January Update!

A very happy New Year to you all and welcome back to Term 3! On behalf of me, Miss Mills and Mrs Arnold we would like to say really big thank you for the lovely Christmas wishes, cards and gifts. It was really kind.

In Term 3 we have been exploring the rainforest! In English we are reading a book by American author Lynne Cherry called ‘The Great Kapok Tree’. We have begun planning our own rainforest stories and have enjoyed using all of our knowledge of rainforests, as well as our descriptive writing skills to bring the scenes alive.

In Geography we have visited the rainforest on an aeroplane, and taken part in a bush tucker trial once we arrived there. We had lots of fun trying to work out what the mysterious animals, objects and smells were. In Art, we have looked at Henri Rousseau’s famous painting ‘Tiger in a Tropical Storm’. We then drew our own tigers inspired by the picture. We also drew fantastic chameleons too.

In PE this term we are learning gymnastics skills with our specialist sports coach. In Maths we are beginning to multiply 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers. Science this term is all about the human body, and we have come up with some excellent questions that we hope to answer over the term.

We hope you enjoy looking at the photos of some of the fantastic work we have already done this term. What a great start to 2024 Dolphins!

Mrs Reid

Dolphins December Update!

As we come to the end of Term 2, it really is amazing how quickly the time has passed since September. We have had a really busy term in Dolphins Class.

Our Forest School sessions with Miss Franklin have been fantastic. The children have loved getting outside into the ‘forest’ and have taken part in lots of amazing outdoor experiences. They go home every Wednesday looking happy and muddy! Thank you for all your support, we appreciate you making sure they have all had the correct clothes each week.

It was really nice to meet so many parents for the consultation evenings. I know that you will have gone home from those meetings feeling really proud of your children: they are all working hard this year.

In Science we have been learning about forces. The children have enjoyed several  investigations this term (and particularly liked using magnets)!

In PE we have been playing Tag Rugby this term, with our specialist sports coaches. They have been showing us how to pass in rugby and the children have enjoyed the lessons.

In English and History we have been thinking about the Stone Age, and have enjoyed our two texts ‘Stone Age Boy’ and ‘How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth’. The children also did some excellent writing for a whole school display.

Happy Christmas to you and yours!

Mrs Reid

Dolphins November Update!

Welcome back to Term 2. We are working hard in Dolphins Class!

This term we have been enjoying Forest School sessions. We have been learning about the natural world around us in our school environment and have had fun making shelters and creating some lovely art work.

Dolphins class have had a very interesting workshop on Road Safety. We were reminded of the rules for crossing roads and were able to discuss how to do so safely. We looked at pictures and discussed whether a place was safe or not safe to cross in.

We have been learning all about the Stone Age. We did some amazing cave paintings, imagining we were Stone Age people in caves (by going underneath our tables)! The children enjoyed this activity so much, they requested to repeat it in during their Golden Time.

In English we have been reading the book, ‘Stone Age Boy’ written by Satoshi Kitamura and written letters as the boy, describing his journey back in time.

Well done Dolphins!

Mrs Reid

Dolphins October Update!

The children in Dolphins Class have been working hard! In Maths we have been recapping our Addition and Subtraction skills. In English we have been finishing our work on ‘Tuesday’ and also looking at some animal poems. The children have worked hard on their first ‘Big Write’ of the year and we are really impressed with their creativity.

Our specialist PE Coach has continued to teach us netball, and we are beginning to play some mini matches. Our French skills are improving at a great pace too.

We were so pleased to welcome so many of the children’s parents and grandparents to our Autumn Craft Workshop. We really enjoyed seeing you all and I know that the children had lots of fun. It was lovely to see everyone working together and our Autumn Sun Catchers look fabulous on our windows. We were able to use them in our Science lesson also: thinking about materials which are opaque, translucent or transparent.

The children and staff loved the Colour Run! Thank you to everyone who attended, sponsored and supported us. Your generous donations will help to buy equipment for the children to use: thank you.

Our Harvest Collection is looking incredible: thank you, again, for your generosity. The donations will be taken to a local Food Bank on behalf of the school.

The children have continued to work hard in all their lessons! Dolphins, you are superstars!

Mrs Reid

September Update!

Welcome to Year 3! We have had a fantastic first few weeks back at school. We have an amazing class and we have really enjoyed Term 1 so far.

In English the children have been reading ‘The Enormous Crocodile’ by Roald Dahl. We were so impressed with their amazing homework: the model crocodiles looked ferocious!

Our new text is ‘Tuesday’ by David Wiesner. In the story – which is pictures only, no words – frogs fly around on lily pads. It is strange that we have started ‘Tuesday’ in the same week that some mysterious lily pads and watery footprints were found in our classroom on Monday morning. The children have not been able to work out how the lily pads got into our classroom: perhaps we were visited by flying frogs in the night, too.

In Music we have been learning to play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on the ocarinas. Mrs White (who has been coming in to teach us the ocarinas) and I are so impressed with the progress the children are making. It has not been easy to learn a new instrument but the children have persevered and are now sounding like an ocarina orchestra!

In Science we have been learning all about ‘Light’. We have learned about light sources and how light travels in a straight line. We have looked in light boxes to investigate whether we need light in order to see things, and we have carried out an investigation into which materials reflect light the best.

In PE with our specialist Sports Coach we have been learning netball: in particular how to pass the ball. We are looking forward to playing some matches soon.

Mrs Reid

If you were unable to attend the 'Meet the Teacher' session, here are the slides shown for your information.