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Singlewell Primary School

Year 5 Swordfish

End of Term 5

Swordfish, what a jam-packed term, once again!

The children worked exceptionally hard this term and when asked what their highlights were, they included our swimming lessons and, of course, our trip to The Chatham Dockyards!

Our school trip involved the children working in teams to make boats, which they enjoyed testing out to see whose was the quickest and testing for buoyancy and stability. We were very lucky to be shown around the HMS Gannet and the HMS Cavalier, where we were able to experience what it would have been like sailing on those ships. Bravely, Swordfish had an adventure on the Ocelot submarine and were able to squeeze and duck through the narrow spaces. We ended our trip visiting the amazing Ropery, where we used our teamwork and resilience to make a piece of rope. The children were surprised by how hard it was to turn the wheels and how this equipment is still used today to make rope for films and boats.

We look forward to Swordfish Titanic projects after half term.

Have a lovely break.

Mrs Harvey and Mrs Fifield

Swordfish May Update!

Welcome back Swordfish,

Term 5 started with a big splash. The children took their swimming lessons with great enthusiasm and determination. We will have some Olympic swimmers in no time.

In English and History, the children have sailed swiftly into our Titanic unit and have been non-stop with their curiosity and absorbing lots of facts. The children loved taking on different roles and boarding the Titanic, especially our first-class passengers sipping ‘champagne’ and eating canapés.

We look forward to seeing the Titanic projects after half term!

This week was Careers week. We have been looking at our future and making ambitious plans. We have explored different jobs, met a variety of passionate adults, from hard nurses to adventurous zookeepers, and the children have understood what it involves in applying and being interviewed for a job.

Mrs Harvey and Mrs Fifield

Happy Easter from Swordfish!


What a very busy term we have had! From building fires and camps to writing to The Queen to ask for her assistance with the gruesome giants.

During Forest School, the children have shown their curiosity, improved on their team work and problem solving skills. It has been wonderful to see the children’s enthusiasm and excitement each week, even on the cold and wet days.

In English, Swordfish have worked extremely hard on their overall writing skills and have shown their resilience when challenged with each writing task. The children have really enjoyed being The BFG or Sophie and writing to the Queen, taking on The BFG’s language and writing style in creating elaborate and incredible dream jars.

As Scientists, we have very much enjoyed; filtering, sieving, melting, cooling, dissolving, and observing chemical reactions happen.  We especially liked the coke and mentos reaction.

Next term, we can’t wait for The Hobbit theatre production and to start our Swimming lessons. Also, our Year 5 trip will take place too, more information to follow very soon.

Thank you for your continued support with all our extra curriculum activities.

We hope you have a lovely Easter break!

Swordfish March Update!

We have definitely hit the ground running with the start of Term 4 with great enthusiasm.

Swordfish have absolutely loved starting Forest School with Miss Franklin. They have built dens, created bush craft, explored the mud kitchen and learnt the importance of respecting fire. The children have showed determination in trying to light the fire and are looking forward to toasting marshmallows.

In English, we have started The BFG, which the children have been enthralled by the first chapter. We have studied the Giant Country, Gobblefunk language and Snozzcumber recipes. We can’t wait to find out what Frobscottle and Wizzpoppers are.

Well, what can I say about our World Book Day characters - Amazing, Creative and Incredible! We have had a brilliant time celebrating with a whole school assembly, reading with Miss Dodd and Miss Franklin and creating our own front cover of our book featuring us! The children are very excited for Tlá Okogwu to be visiting tomorrow.

Mrs Harvey and Mrs Fifield

Swordfish February Update!

Swordfish have continued to work exceptionally hard over the last few weeks of the term.

This week, we immersed ourselves straight into Storytelling week being very comfy in our pyjamas and we shared our love for reading with Year 2. Thank you to the parents who were able to volunteer to share a story with the whole class or a small group, we really appreciated your time.  The children have been enjoying our new 'Story Telling Sacks' and in groups, using the variety of objects to create an imaginative story.

In English, we have continued to enjoy our text, Beowulf. The children have been writing an alternative ending and creating their own horrendous monster to battle Beowulf. Swordfish impressed me with their vocabulary, changing the mood in their stories and keeping me on the edge of my seat not knowing who was going to win the battle scene.

In Science, we have continued to use Explorify to improve our observational skills. In particular, the children have enjoyed the ‘Zoom in and Zoom out’ activities and are able to make predictions using evidence.

Next term, we will be very lucky to be starting Forest School on a Wednesday. Further information will follow on the app.

Mrs Harvey and Mrs Fifield

Swordfish January Update!

Happy New Year! We hope you had a wonderful break.

Swordfish have settled well into the new term, and are continuing to earn lots of House Points, TTRS Coins and Reading Ticks to maintain our winning streak.

In English, we have started our new text, Beowulf. We have created fantastic story maps to help us retell the story off by heart and focused on the setting to create Spine Poems, a new writing challenge. All the children approached our new text with curiosity and were ambitious with their vocabulary choice within their poem.

In History, we are learning about the vicious Vikings. We have really enjoyed taking on the role of news reporters and reporting on the devastating attack on Lindisfarne. The children really got into character and gathered lots of facts about the type of people the Vikings were, how they travelled and why they attacked monasteries.

This term, we have been very fortunate to continue with Recorders with Mrs White, which has provided consistency for the children to further develop their skills. They have identified the difference between a Crotchet and a Quaver and learnt the notes B, A, G and Bottom D and E.

Mrs Harvey and Mrs Fifield

Swordfish December Update!

I can’t quite believe we are at the end of what has been a very busy term. We have been very ambitious in our learning and our overall expectations of what needed to be achieved in term two.

In English, the children have loved exploring old Christmas adverts, especially Excitable Edgar and Kevin the Carrot. We have written character descriptions, apology letters from Edgar, persuasive posters for a circus and a very honest, critical show review. The children’s overall writing skills have improved immensely and their creativity has blossomed.

In DT, we have been demonstrating our resilience with our sewing project. The children have really impressed us with their determination in learning how to do running and blanket stitch. I really hope their wonderful creations will come out each year to hang on the tree or around the home.

Swordfish have really enjoyed learning about Forces in Science and this week focused on air resistance. They worked hard on completing a fair test and making a successful parachute to carry passengers safely down to the ground. It was tricky to ensure air resistance and gravity were balance.

Thank you for all your support in our fundraising events this term. We hope you have a wonderful break.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Mrs Harvey and Mrs Fifield

Swordfish November Update!

Swordfish, what a busy few weeks we have had already! We have all started back with great curiosity for our new topics, which has been refreshing to see.

In English, we have enjoyed starting our new text, This is NOT a Fairy Tale. We have demonstrated our drama skills to bring the story to life, and I have to say the West End must watch out! The children have taken on the role of Luke and had to overcome many obstacles, such as The Waggletooth Witch and the Trolls of Tiddly Crag. I look forward to seeing the children become News reporters next week.

Swordfish have respectfully discussed and reflected on Remembrance Day. We have created beautiful pieces of artwork and blackout poetry, which you can see in our windows.

Swordfish have risen to the challenge of beginning to learn the recorders with Mrs White. They are able to now play a B and an A note within songs. We shall continue to be resilient in learning more notes.

I look forward to seeing you for our Book morning next Thursday and Parents evening the following week.

Mrs Harvey and Mrs Fifield

Our first CARES award of Term 2 goes to a Swordfish for showing her curiosity towards our new English text.

Our Ambitious award was given to a Swordfish for ‘magpieing’ and using ambitious vocabulary correctly within their diary entry.

Swordfish October Update!

Swordfish, what a busy but exciting term we’ve had.

The children had such an amazing time doing their first school Colour Run and are still talking about it now! Thank you very much for your support in the bottle tombola and collecting sponsors, we really do appreciate your help.

Swordfish have really enjoyed being able to invite in their family members to take part in our Autumn workshop.  The children showed off their creativity in using just puzzle pieces, brown paper and paint to create a spectacular Autumn tree picture. We are grateful for the many families that could join us and did competitively show off their artistic skills. Take a look at our amazing masterpieces below.

As Artists, we have continued to enjoy looking at illusions and have tested our resilience with creating optical illusions. I have continued to be blown away with the children's determination and perseverance, whilst replicating different optical illusions. 

We have been very impressed with how well the children have transitioned into Year 5 and I hope their enthusiasm and hardworking ethos continues next term.

Have a relaxing and fun half term!

Mrs Harvey and Mrs Fifield

Our Equal award was given to a Swordfish for being a great team player and treating everyone equally during PE.

Our final CARES award for this term, went to a Swordfish for showing their brilliant safety skills when learning how to use a new tool in Art.

September Update!

Welcome back, Swordfish.

It has been wonderful to see such eager, ambitious and focused children return to school, ready for Year Five. We have had a busy few weeks and have dived straight into our new topics with great curiosity.

In English, we have been exploring Ancient Greek myths and learning about the almighty, powerful Gods releasing punishments and vengeance on the world. We enjoyed imagining being the first mortal to be made from clay and have written very detailed recounts of the events. Below, is just a few of our wonderful examples, who made it into our Golden Frames.

As Artists, we have been studying illusions and have created our own drawings. We have shown our resilience in using vanishing points for a room and using foreshortening to make our superheroes fly towards us. I am very proud of the children’s focus and determination in creating different illusions.

We have all worked extremely hard to follow our class rules, show our CARES values and gain lots of House Points already. Keep up the hard work!

Mrs Harvey and Mrs Fifield

Our first CARES award went to a Swordfish for showing great curiosity and enthusiasm towards our Ancient Grece topic.

Our Ambitious award was given to a Swordfish for using ambitious vocabulary within her writing.

This week's award went to a Swordfish for showing brilliant resilience during our first ‘Big Write’.

If you were unable to attend the 'Meet the Teacher' session, here are the slides shown for your information.