Singlewell Primary School
Administration of Medicines
It may be the case that if your child is taking a course of medicine he or she may not be well enough to attend school.
Medicine that needs to be administered three times a day does not need to come to school. In exceptional circumstances when your child is well enough to be at school and needs medicine four times a day the medicine must either be administered by the parent at lunchtime, or by the parent first asking the office staff if they would undertake this responsibility on their behalf. In the latter case a form, available at the school office, must be completed and signed by the child's parent/carer stating clear instructions for the treatment i.e. time, quantity etc. Medicine can only be administered if it is sent in its original packaging with the doctor's prescription label on it. Please also ensure the medicine and spoon are in a clean plastic bag.
Should your child have a long term medical condition requiring special medication an Individual Health Plan needs to be completed and agreed by both home and school.