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Singlewell Primary School

Special Educational Needs

SEND at Singlewell

At Singlewell Primary School we believe that all children are entitled to an appropriate education, one that is appropriate to their needs, promotes high standards and fulfilment of potential. We recognise that pupils learn at different rates and there can be many factors affecting achievement. Many children, at some time in their education, may experience difficulties which affect their learning which may be short or long term. Where the need is long term and requires additional support to be able to achieve this may be an indication of Special Education Need (SEN). We aim to identify these needs as they arise and use our best endeavours to make sure that children with SEN get the support they need to thrive within our setting.

We strive for all children, regardless of Special Education Need (SEN) or disability, to achieve their best, become confident individuals and make a successful transition into the next stage of their life and education.

Singlewell Primary School endeavours to support children with SEN and/or disabilities to accomplish these outcomes by:

  • Prioritising high quality teaching with a curriculum which meets each child’s needs including their academic, social and emotional development
  • Providing an inclusive, differentiated and personalised approach to enable all learners, including those with SEND, to engage with all aspects of school life
  • Working in partnership with parents and carers and facilitating clear communication
  • A robust system of identification of SEN built into the approach to monitoring the progress and development of all children
  • Using the school’s resources efficiently to provide early intervention and targeted support
  • Promoting high attendance and punctuality to provide stability and continuity
  • Working in partnership with specialists and agencies

What if I think my child has SEND?

In the first instance you should raise your concerns with your child’s class teacher. They will be able to discuss your child’s progress, attainment and how this compares with the majority of their peers. The class teacher will be able to explain to you how your child is already supported within the school. They will also be able to discuss how your child presents at school regarding behaviour. 

They will then be able to inform you of any next steps to be taken which may include:

  • Signposting to external services or agencies
  • Monitoring of your child in school
  • Meeting with the SENCO
  • Referral to GP or School Health team
  • Additional assessments undertaken

At Singlewell we value the view of children receiving support and their parents. We pride ourselves on our open door policy where concerns and queries can be raised with SLT and our SENCO at any time.

Mrs Hazeldene

Local Authority' s Local Offer