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Singlewell Primary School

Year 3 Turtles

Turtles May Update!

Welcome back to Term 5 Turtles!

We have had a really busy start to the term from our school trip to careers week, you have been working so hard.

We enjoyed an amazing trip to The Fenn Bell last week. We got to see so many exciting animals, watched the otters being fed and also shared information we learnt about some of their habitats.

We took our learning back into class and created amazing fact files about one of the animals we saw.

In maths, we have been working hard on fractions and this week have started adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator.

All this week we have had exciting visitors sharing their jobs in our very first Careers Week. We took part in talks with a swimming teacher, an air hostess and zookeepers. We also got to take part in an exciting Careers Fair featuring a hairdresser, nurse, business owners, doctors surgery manager and a construction company.

I am looking forward to our exciting term ahead.

Miss Meredith

Happy Easter from Turtles!

What a great Term 4 we have had in Turtles class!

We have enjoyed our topic of Ancient Egypt, learning about their way of life and things they built. We have thoroughly enjoyed our topic of magnets and loved experimenting with finding which materials are magnetic and which are not.

We had a special visit from the ducklings and even got a turn to hold them if we wanted to! We had so much fun.

Thank you for your support with the Easter fair. We had a great time visiting it in class and some of us even visited again after school.

Have an amazing, restful break. See you in Term 5!

Miss Meredith 

Turtles March Update!

Thank you all for coming and enjoying our class assembly and our book sharing session. We had such fun sharing our learning so far this year.

In Maths, we have focused on measuring in cm and mm, we are now moving on to calculating the perimeter of a shape.

We have LOVED reading the Worst Witch this term, we have created amazing character descriptions and setting descriptions based on this great book. We even created a hair-raising recipe for a magical potion!

Enjoy our great pictures from our term and lots of World Book Day fun!

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Meredith 

Turtles February Update!

We have had an amazing term 3 together Turtles.

In English we have enjoyed our story of 'The Great Kapok Tree' and LOVED writing persuasive letters explaining why we should not cut down the rainforest.

In Maths, we have jumped into short multiplication and division this term, we have needed lots of resilience as this is our first try, but after working their socks off, Turtles have seen great success in their work.

During our Science lessons, we have enjoyed learning about the skeleton, names of the bones and muscles. We even had a great time creating our own cotton bud skeletons.

What fun we had during story telling week, with some of our own adults in to share stories, story sack role play and coming to school in our pyjamas.

We have thoroughly enjoyed all aspects of learning about the rainforest and I hope the children have shared lots with you at home, they have worked so hard this term and I look forward to Term 4 together.

Thanks again, for your continued support, have a great half term J

Miss Meredith

Turtles January Update!

Happy new year!

We have had a great start to 2024 in Turtles.

The class have loved our new topic of the rainforest which has been threaded through all of our learning in English, Science and Geography.

We have been enjoying our new text in English, ‘The Great Kapok tree’, which has inspired amazing description and story writing. Next week the children will be writing a persuasive letter to stop the chop!

In Maths, we are continuing with multiplication and division and looking at the inverse and related facts.

We had a very exciting trip to…..THE RAINFOREST….. in Geography. Turtles boarded a plane and when they landed took part in 6 ‘ Bush Tucker trials’ in our very own.. IM A YEAR 3…..GET ME OUT OF HERE!

I look forward to the rest of the term enjoying our amazing learning together,

Miss Meredith 

Turtles December Update!

Merry Christmas!

What a term we have had, the children have really enjoyed our new text ‘How to Wash a wooly mammoth’ and have taken great inspiration on writing their own set of instructions.

We have seen some fantastic Stone Age inspired caves in class, these have been models, drawings and pictures which has been wonderful!

Turtles have had lots of fun this term playing the ocarinas with Mrs White, they can now play ‘Twinkle Twinkle’ and ‘Old Macdonald’ with good recall of each note.

Finally, we made our very own clay pots inspired by the Beaker people of the Bronze age.

Have a very Merry Christmas and I look forward to continuing our learning and fun together in 2024.

Thank you for your continued support

Miss Meredith

Turtles November Update!

What an amazing start to Term 2 Turtles have had. In all subjects Turtles are working hard on resilience and working independently, Well done everyone!

This term so far, we have enjoyed play the ocarinas with Mrs White. Learning to play a new instrument and the notes that go with it has been tricky, but we have really enjoyed it.

Turtles class have had a very interesting visit from Ian, who did a work shop on Road Safety. They remembered the 5 rules for crossing roads and were able to discuss how to do so safely.

In English we have been reading the book, ‘Stone Age Boy’ written by Satoshi Kitamura. We have written amazing letters to the boy’s family about his journey back in time and some fantastic character descriptions. This book has also inspired us in history where we have learnt many amazing facts about the Stone Age!

I look forward to a busy and fun term ahead. Thank you, as always, for your continued support.

Turtles October Update!

Terrific Turtles complete term 1!

Well done Turtles for such a busy term full of fun, learning and laughter.

It has been great to see your personalities develop and watching you thrive.

You have been busy creating your own crocodiles at home out of a range of materials, I enjoyed seeing your hard work 

We have been sharing the book ‘Tuesday’ by David Wiesner, we enjoyed creating an interesting newspaper report based on the events that happen. We included a witness quote and exciting information.

Turtles have enjoyed the Forest School this term, thank you for your support with helping it run smoothly.

I am looking forward to enjoying all of Term 2 with lots of Christmas fun.

Have an amazing half term, and I can’t wait to hear all about it.

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Meredith

September Update!

Wow Turtles, what a terrific start to year 3 you have had!

We have been busy learning about the very naughty ‘Enormous Crocodile’ and creating character descriptions based on the books we have read.

We have been recapping place value and the partitioning of 2 and 3 digit numbers, ready to move onto addition and subtraction in the coming weeks. They have also enjoyed learning about Michelangelo and drawing under the tables inspired by him and painting the Sistine chapel.

Turtles have loved forest school. They have been very resilient and safe with using the tools and equipment in the forest school and sharing with their friends. 

We are very excited about our Colour Run next week and look forward to the rest of the term ahead!

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Meredith 

If you were unable to attend the 'Meet the Teacher' session, here are the slides shown for your information.