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Singlewell Primary School

Year R Jellyfish

End of Term 5

What a very exciting end to our term all about animals. We have read some fantastic books about animals, which include ‘What the Ladybird Heard’, ‘Monkey Puzzle’ and ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’. The children enjoyed writing book reviews about their favourite story and why they liked that particular text.  

Next term we have so much to look forward to our new topic of ‘Under the Sea’, where we will explore books such as Julia Donaldson’s ‘Sharing a Shell’, ‘The Snail and the Whale’, ‘Rainbow Fish’ and ‘Billy’s Bucket’.

We are all looking forwards to our school trip to Kent Life on the 19th June and we will start looking at our transition into Year One. 

Have a fantastic half-term and I am looking forward to seeing you when you get back.

Miss Nedjat

Jellyfish May Update!

This has been a very exciting week at Singlewell.  As part of CAREERS week, Jellyfish class talked about so many different careers. We have had discussions during our circle time discussions about what we would like to become and the skills needed to obtain our aspirations.

We were lucky to have many different visitors come in to tell us about their careers. We had a swimming teacher, a hairdresser, a construction worker, zookeepers and an airhostess.  We had lots of fun dressing up as a construction worker!

Please remember to pay for our school trip, which will be on Wednesday 19th of June.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Nedjat

Happy Easter from Jellyfish!

We have had a great few weeks with lots of engaging learning in Jellyfish class.

It was lovely to watch and see our beautiful ducklings grow. We were very enthusiastic to take part in many learning opportunities based on our topic about ducklings. We also had Science week and learnt about the Scientist William Kamkwamba. He created wind turbines and, using the power of the wind, he created renewable energy. We drew pictures of the scientist and made our own fact files.    

We have enjoyed learning about how to keep healthy and how to take care of our teeth after reading the story of ‘Oliver’s Fruit Salad. 

  • Making a healthy packed lunch drawing and writing down what to include
  • Writing how to take care of our teeth
  • Making our own mouths and placing teeth inside
  • Writing a shopping list of healthy food
  • Cleaning teeth with a toothbrush

Thank you for your continued support. It was lovely to see everyone at parents' evening as it was excellent having the opportunity to share your children’s progress.  

Wishing you all a well-deserved Easter break and don’t eat too much chocolate!

Miss Nedjat


Jellyfish March Update!


Welcome back for another fantastic term. Our topic for this term is growing.

The stories we have enjoyed reading so far are, ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’, ‘The Enormous Turnip’ and ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’.

The children have shown so many of our CARES values whilst completing  our learning challenges. After reading the story of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ we have developed an understanding of the world through planting our own beanstalks and observing their growth. We were all very excited to see our role-play area turned into a castle on our return to school.  Some of our other learning challenges have included:

  • Writing the beginning, middle and end of the Jack and the Beanstalk story
  • Finding number bonds to five using beans and Numicon
  • Measuring the Giant's footprints with cubes to see how long they were
  • We were inspired to measure our own footprints to see how long they were
  • Completing the life cycle of a bean by drawing the different stages
  • Drawing our own beanstalks leading to the clouds
  • Re-telling the story using puppets in the water tray

‘The Enormous Turnip’ was another engaging text that we read and took part in some very engaging challenges:

  • Using apples to print a repeating pattern
  • Working together to create our own farm
  • Weighing fruits and vegetables to find out which is the heaviest/lightest
  • Digging for vegetables in our soil tray
  • Junk modelling to create a tractor

We were all so excited to see our duck eggs arrive and one of them had hatched on the way to school! It was so lovely to hold the ducklings for the first time and we look forward to watching them grow.

It was lovely to see the wonderful effort that all the children had made dressed up as their favourite book characters for World Book Day. It was wonderful to have another teacher come into class to read to us and it was very exciting to meet the author Tola Okogwu.


Miss Nedjat

Jellyfish February Update!

After continuing reading our topic on traditional tales we are starting to use some very ambitious vocabulary and this has really helped us to really develop our re-telling of traditional stories.

We showed great curiosity after reading the story of ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’.  It was fantastic to explore various challenges both inside and outside. These included: 

  • Sorting objects according to their properties, we were encouraged to use the words hard and soft and sort them into specific baskets.
  • We wrote a sorry letter from Goldilocks to the Three Bears
  • We were engaged in sharing the items equally between the three bears, matching the correct sizes to each
  • Using our phonic skills we also had to label teddy bears, we had to be imaginative and think of our own names
  • To end the week we were highly excited to follow our instructions and made our very own porridge and have a picnic with our own teddies that we brought in from home.

We then read the story of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ and were encouraged to draw a five sentence story. As a class we had to think of the events that took part in the story and we were so excited to create a 'road map' which we used to re-tell the story remembering all the key events. 

It was really exciting to take part in story telling week and come to school dressed in our pyjamas. We were really lucky to have some parents from our class come in to read us a story as well as another class come to join us to read together. We all walked so sensibly to our local library and read some great stories there.    

Miss Nedjat

Jellyfish January Update!

It has been wonderful welcoming all of the children back after the Christmas break.

This term as a class we have shown lots of curiosity whilst engaging in our new topic which is, ‘Traditional Tales’. The books that we have thoroughly enjoyed so far are ‘The Gingerbread Man’ and ‘The Three Little Pigs’. We have made our own story maps and used actions to retell the story of the Gingerbread Man.

After reading the story of the Gingerbread Man some of our challenges included:

  • Adding two groups of buttons on the gingerbread men to find a total
  • Writing speech bubbles for the gingerbread man
  • Using a variety of materials to make collage gingerbread men
  • Making our own house for the gingerbread man

We then looked at ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and engaged in the following challenges:

  • Making a pig using different shapes
  • Writing wanted posters to catch the Big Bad Wolf
  • Matching the numbered pigs to the correct houses (Subitising)  
  • Retelling the story using puppets
  • Collaging houses using spaghetti, straws, lego and paint
  • Making stick puppets of the different characters
  • Exploring materials and their properties

This term the children have really enjoyed their first two PE lessons. We are starting to learn some new gymnastics skills.  

Miss Nedjat

Jellyfish December Update!

We have continued our topic about celebrations and have looked at how weddings birthdays and Christmas is celebrated.

We have looked how people around the world celebrate birthdays after that we read the story of ‘Kipper’s Birthday’. After reading the story we were very resilient to complete our different learning challenges some of these included:

  • Writing an invitation to your friends for your birthday party
  • Ordering the presents by size
  • Design a birthday cake using the loose materials
  • Making a birthday cake in the sand and placing the right number of candles on the cakes
  • To make a numbered bunting writing the numbers in the correct sequence
  • To have a birthday tea party with your friends in the role play area

After learning about birthdays we moved on to how and why Christmas is celebrated. We listened to the Christmas story and used puppets to act out the story. Our Christmas challenges were so exciting and we showed lots of curiosity whilst completing them. 

Wishing you all a lovely weekend

Miss Nedjat

Jellyfish November Update!

After half term all of the children have been super excited to start our new topic which has been celebrations. We started the term learning all about Halloween, Bonfire night and Diwali.

Some of our challenges have included:

  • We made a name rocket
  • We explored pumpkins and water and made pumpkin soup
  • For our writing challenge we wrote a list of things you might need or will see on fireworks night
  • We made a fireworks safety poster
  • We rescued the numbers from the fire in the sand
  • In our creative area we made a rocket using shapes
  • We watched and listened to videos of fireworks and wrote describing words
  • For Maths we ordered numbered rockets
  • We used our cutting skills to design our own pumpkin
  • We also painted a firework picture

For Halloween we had a pumpkin and we worked together as a class to decorate and paint our own class pumpkin.

We also celebrated Black History month by looking at Martin Luther King and then we were encouraged to write about our own dreams.

Whilst learning about the celebration Diwali our learning challenges which we were engaged in were: 

  • To make a Diwali clay lamp
  • To make a lantern
  • To match the right amount of fireworks to the correct numeral
  • To make the words for the firework pictures
  • To make a mehndi pattern on hands using the cotton buds
  • To use the numicon to make Rangoli patterns
  • To retell the Diwali story using the puppets
  • To explore light in the sand tray using different reflective items
  • To make a firework pattern in the glitter
  • To sequence the pictures from the story of Rama and Sita
  • To cut out the shapes to finish the Diwali picture
  • To hear and select the initial sound for each picture

Miss Nedjat

Jellyfish October Update!

We have all had a very exciting and productive two weeks. It was so lovely to see so many parents/family members at the Autumn Workshop as the children had a wonderful time making crafts with their adults. The colour run was also a very successful event and thank you for all your continued support.  

As part of our learning we read the story of Elmer and this week we focused on Autumn and Harvest.

After reading the story of Elmer our challenges included:

  • Working as a team to create a jungle
  • In the water we were able to re-tell the story
  • In the sand we had a tea party for Elmer and his friends
  • In our creative area we were able to decorate Elmer
  • As part of our English we had to write how Elmer was feeling in the beginning and end of the story
  • We also decorated our own elephant for Elmer day
  • Made Elmer masks
  • In Maths we made our own repeating pattern
  • Sequence the numbers to make an elephant puzzle
  • Sorting the animals into different colours

After learning about Autumn and Harvest we had many exciting challenges to complete these included:

  • Drawing a picture of what you are thankful for
  • Making a repeating pattern using paint
  • Cutting out shapes to make a scarecrow
  • As part of our Maths learning we were encouraged to count the correct amount of ‘leaves’ onto the Autumn tree
  • In the water we used our senses to explore the fruit and vegetables
  • In the sand we had Autumn items and we grouped them together
  • We used the small world items to act out a farm
  • We were given two baskets to sort the fruit and vegetables into groups
  • We were also challenged to draw/write something about Harvest
  • We also wrote an Autumn poem using our senses

Miss Nedjat

September Update!

We have all settled into Jellyfish class so well and have started to learn all of the routines and structure of the day. 

It has been great and we have learnt lots of new exciting things. We have enjoyed listening to the story of ‘Guess How Much I Love You’. After the story was shared we took part in many different learning challenges inside and outside in our wonderful outdoor space. 

These challenges included:

Placing the numerals 1-10 in order and then placing the right amount of objects onto the correct numbered rabbit.

In the sand we were encouraged to make a home for the rabbit and their family.

We were also challenged to find the woodland creatures and place them with the correct family.

Using puppets and props we retold the story.

In our creative area we had fun creating a rabbit by cutting out the different shapes. It was also a great learning opportunity to create a paper doll of ourselves and to make a rabbit headband.

As part of our fine motor skills development we used lace and developed our threading skills by following the outline of a heart.

We also were given different shaped hearts and had to cut them out to make our own heart inspired by the artist Kandinsky.

We have also shown great curiosity when listening to another really engaging book ‘Owl Babies’ by Martin Wardell.

We took part in further challenges these included: 

It was exciting using tweezers to feed the baby owls.

In the creative area it was brilliant painting a picture of the owls as well as creating a scene from the story.  

As part of our Maths learning we had to order the owls and match the pine cones to the numeral.

In the sand we had fun placing the right number of eggs into the nests and in the water we made a home for the owls.

We got really creative and made our own owls using different shapes.

During our English challenge we painted our own family tree, drew pictures of our family members and labelled them. It was great to also use puppets to re-tell the story.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.

Miss Nedjat