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Singlewell Primary School


At Singlewell Primary School, we care about the teaching and learning of Science. We aim to provide our pupils with the key knowledge and skills required to answer scientific questions whilst encouraging them to be curious through questioning.

We would like our pupils to leave Singlewell Primary with a confident understanding of how and why the science around them is relevant and important in their lives. Our curriculum has been carefully planned and enables our pupils to build upon their science skills year by year. We aim to instil an ambitious approach to investigative work and hope to create resilient learners. We follow the National Curriculum and The Kent Scheme; this is enhanced by digital experiences using Explorify which emphasises the benefit of discussion, enjoyment and collaboration in Science.

Our classrooms highlight the importance of Science at Singlewell as each one features a Science Working Wall. Pupils are introduced to Working Scientifically skills from EYFS to Year 6 through our Working Scientifically Butterflies. We further enhance our Science curriculum through Science Week activities which include educational visits, visitors and safe online exploration. We want our pupils to know about key influencers from all backgrounds, to see themselves as equals in the Science world and to care about Science throughout their lives.